djgarcia wrote:
Class B van questions:
It is not clear what your idea/plan of RVing is??? never use campgrounds, some times, what is your plan for toliet, water, propane needs? Rest areas, Walmart parking lots are used by some RVers overnight but IMHO these areas are less than ideal for a number of reasons but primarly for security reasons. Yes there are many RVers who disagree and for a number of reasons choose these areas primarily for money costs which make sense but it is just not my choice. My opinion is not intended to be judgmental of others. Rest areas are intended to be used for resting for a short period of time, not for overnight. Many Wallmart's do not allow overnight parking as the result of some who have in the past been inconsiderate.
sorry for not clarifying;
we don't need anything for the most part; the camper has its own water, bathroom, shower, propane, kitchen, etc; like a mini-house with all the systems but in miniature.
we may use a campground from time to time in order to empty/refill tanks.... thanks for the suggestions.