Second Chance wrote:
There is a Facebook page dedicated to this topic. It's called "WINTER RVing - Let's Stay Warm Together!" There are some very knowledgeable people over there. IMO, you will be hard-pressed to find a "normal" RV that can withstand the winter conditions in AK. They're just not designed and built for that. There are a few companies making what are sometimes called "mobile man camp" trailers for the oil field and pipeline workers. They're pretty basic, but have what you would need for a winter in AK.
I have seen the man camps made from shipping containers or big rigs. That is a bit out of my price range, but they are very cool. My step dad works up on the slope and some of his coworkers stay in similar setups. I know bigfoot is a beefy enough rv to handle that weather, but getting them in the states, used or otherwise, is more difficult than I'd originally thought these days.
Thanks for the FB link. I'll check that out for sure.