agwill wrote:
It is nice to dream. But no running water or flushing toilet at 40 below. You can insulate the trailer by using straw bales all around and on top. You have to cover all with plastic also. You need a frame work on top to carry the weight of straw and the snow load. You need fresh air inlet and real heater. Lots to consider.
One of the reasons I'm concidering the Northwood is for the roof build. They can handle more weight because of the 16 inch centers, so I'm told, so I've been looking into that. I would definitely use hay as an insulator and I'd have to worry about voles because of that, which means using mint oil and irish spring soap to keep my hay from getting pests that could eat into my system. There's a ton to consider, I know. I'm not going into this lightly, which is why I appreciate any and all advice.
Are you saying the hay on top and bottom would need plastic lining? What do you suggest for that, a thick plastic or something just to keep water off?
As for the no water thing, I have family who will let me park on their property for extreme cold months (mid dec-feb), so I can use their washroom, and I dont mind living dry.
I want to give this a shot before giving up on it and getting another cabin. I move every year or so and moving expenses really arent much cheaper when they all stack up. I'd rather keep all my stuff with me and just drive when I'm ready to go. When I'm done with my degree, I'll move to warmer climates where the jobs are more available.