bikendan wrote:
Hybrids are great trailers IF you love the idea of sleeping under canvas.
most Hybrid owners are former popup owners that want more amenities and less setup but want to keep the "camping" feel that hybrids offer. they don't like the "shoebox" feel of a regular TT.
but many newbies buy a Hybrid because of all the sleeping space they offer in a shorter and lighter package.
but they didn't consider the canvas in the equation and end up selling it after a season or two.
DON'T buy a Hybrid if you aren't excited about sleeping under canvas.
get the regular TT.
And there you go - the
same answer from two different sides of the fence - first from myself who tried a hybrid and couldn't wait to replace it with a travel trailer and now from a long time hybrid owner who fully enjoys his hybrid and is quite content with it. Only the OP can decide which of the two he is. ;)