Forum Discussion

Tracus's avatar
Apr 13, 2015

Opinion on trailer brakes

I'll be traveling cross country next month (May) with a new Winnebago Vista 27N towing a 12 foot utility trailer with a Can AM Spyder strapped on it. The trailer weighs 900 pounds and the Can Am is a touch over 1000 pounds. What are your feelings (opinions) as to whether or not I should have trailer brakes installed? Our route is west through Nebraska, Wyoming, Utah Nevada and finally Yosemite. From there it's down to Death Valley then AZ, TX, Natchex MS, Nashville and home to PA.

Previously we have made two cross country trips in a 24 foot Winnebago Minnie towing an 8 foot trailer with a motorcycle, combined weight about 1500 pounds. No trailer brakes and we had no problems crossing the Rockies and the Cascades.

Your thoughts will be greatly appreciated.

In advance, thanks.