I'm still pretty new to RVing but I don't see why you'd have a problem. Many times, after switching to the other tank, we've taken the empty 30# tank out and taken it to get filled. Don't see why you couldn't use it to run a grill or something - as long as you have a regulator for the outside appliance. Probably wouldn't be wise to plan on having it out for a few days of use but for a few hours, I don't see a problem. If its for a grill or small appliance, you can get one of the adapters to fill up a 1# tank from the 30# tank after removing it and then put it back in place. For me, I just got a 10# tank for the grill and its easy to move around.
Disclaimer stuff: this is assuming your crossover valve doesn't leak through or some other problem. However, I'm sure lots of folks will join in if this is really bad advice - which is welcomed. Egos aren't as important as lives.