just me wrote:
theoldwizard1 wrote:
How many folks actually shut off the water and disconnect the electric if you are leaving you TT for a day or even overnight side trip ?
I turn off my water when I leave for a couple hours. I have witness to many floods when rigs have been hooked up and the owners leave to go to dinner or etc. lines burst inside, so we just turn there water off to save some grief.
Former boat dwellers, we never left a hose on because broken like mean boat sink.
If it's that risky to leave it hooked up for a few unattended hours, what about at night when I'm dead to the world. We have enough water tank to go a couple of days completely disconnected. But I would rather stay hooked. We are very accustomed to living off the tanks on the boat. If they leaked, the water was aboard already.
I definitely want in the support group.