Forum Discussion

Rockafeller4404's avatar
Aug 06, 2017

toilet change

Has anyone switched out there stock plastic toilet for a glass replacement ?
  • I replaced a Thetford Aquamagic IV (high model) with a Dometic 310. Very pleased with the results. The scariest part was cutting the old gray polybutylene pipe to put the new compression fitting on for the water connection. The 310 is easier to clean (IMHO), and as it is about 2" taller, it is easier to use. I do note the Dometic comes with 1/4" diameter T-bolts for mounting (at least mine did), which I replaced with 5/16" diameter T-bolts just to make the toilet a bit more secure. I also "dampened" the entire gasket with silicone grease to help ensure a good seal.

  • youtube is your friend. Several videos of toilet update installs. A fairly simple process if your handy.
  • The only new to me rig I had with a plastic toilet. I had it removed and replaced with a porcelain toilet before I used it.
  • Just make sure that the new toilet's bolt hole match your old one or it won't fit. Ask a local RV dealer what toilets will fit your RV. I speak from experience... :S
  • corvettekent wrote:
    I just installed a Dometic 310 porcelain high profile. Not sure what the difference is between a 310 and a 320.

    The 320 has a rim around the top to prevent splash-back and is about $50 more. I wish I had replaced mine at the first sign of issues on our winter trip. I ended up replacing every part on the toilet except the bowl. In addition to the cost of parts, I had to rent a car to go get them. I probably paid for a new john twice over.
  • I just installed a Dometic 310 porcelain high profile. Not sure what the difference is between a 310 and a 320.
  • Yes replaced our 13 year old comode with a dometic 320 porcelain high profile. No need for a sprayer s don't stick to it.