Forum Discussion

kardar2's avatar
Nov 23, 2014

winterizing trailer but still using it in winter.

Hello All,
so okay so I know how to winterizing the trailer BUTTTT. I have it out on property and go out there just about every weekend. It is a pain to have blow out the lines before we leave. So I was thinking and please tell me what you think. When I go out to the property I hook up to city water. (I don't use fresh water tank) so I was thinking if I was to put antifreeze in the fresh water tank and before I leave turn off the city water and turn on the pump and pump antifreeze through system.the pump won't let antifreeze by. Then when I come back to the trailer I can hook up city water an flush out the antifreeze.would this work.I do realize you can buy the hand pump but if I do that I might as well just blow them out with air.. Thanks