Forum Discussion

willieb's avatar
Jan 10, 2014

4x4 Towing

I have a 07 Ford Sport trac 4x4. on the dash it has 4x4 auto, 4x4 high
4x4 low. Can this be towed four down?
  • sch911 wrote:

    What does the owners manual say about "Recreational Towing"

  • I see you asked the same question on the Sport Trac web site.

    4x4 towing by willieb, 1/5/2014 18:39 ET
    Category - Towing

    I have a 07 Sport trac 4x4. On the dash it has 4x4 auto, 4x4 high, 4x4 low.
    Can this be towed 4 down.
    Thanks for any and all replys
  • Yes with the right modification.
    Needs a neutral tow kit.
  • Can the transfer case be put into neutral?

    What does the owners manual say about "Recreational Towing"