Hannibal wrote:
Backing up must be a bit of a challenge.
The device is an extension of the TV's Frame, the connection between the TV and the safety hitch doesn't flex the the tires on the safety hitch swivel. In my opinion this could create a very bad situation in a turn. Once in a turn the Safety Hitch tires no longer point straight ahead, but more in the direction the 5er is pointed, BUT NOT the same direction as the TV rear tires, and opposite the TV front tires. The 5er in tow can easily create a very strong over-steer situation, even worse than a standard TT.
Automated Safety HitchThis is a
Link to the Tow All dolly which is like the safety hitch.
I love this comment from an owner.
Tony Foley
I bought this product and I love it,best money I ever spent,I used to pay a 1.75 a mile to get my 40 ft rv @13,500 lbs. hauled to where my next job was.now I pull it my self with my ????? S-10 ,v-6. Chevy . No problemo !!!
Just my two Cents, based on my understanding of Physics.