I bought 6. I used 4 on the rear duals. One of the levelers under the driver's side inside dual broke in two. I was at about 1/6 of rated capacity.
I was at a campground where I needed to use the Andersons plus wood due to the slope. They slid forward on the wood and could not be used.
I would certainly NOT use just one per side with dual tires.
I've abandoned mine and gone back to using wood.
barnrt wrote:
I am finally going to spring for the Andersen levelers. I had a concern that I would need two for under the dually wheels. A call to the company assured me that I need only put one under the dually and it should be the inside tire. A call to the very competent phone person at etrailers (where I will order), said the same thing.
So what has been your experience? I don't like the idea of that outer tire just "hanging" there!