pnichols wrote:
Here's a picture of the Weber portable grill/BBQ that I described above and is available at some stores, such as Home Depot as in my link above.
It may not be well known by many RV'ers, but it's a winner, especially because of the Flavor Bar technology that Weber uses. Steaks are wonderful done on it.

I realize this is somewhat of an old thread but I came across this while researching small grills and wanted to give a heads-up on the current iteration of the grill that pnichols mentions.
I'm a big fan of this particular weber model and my wife and I have used one for years while camping. We moved last year and in the clean-out process decided the old weber had seen better days (read that as it was really gunked up and we were too lazy to clean it up) and would just purchase a new one after the move. That it turns out, was a mistake.
Earlier this month we spent a week camping at the beach and in preparation I ordered another weber go-anywhere gas grill from Amazon. I didn't even read the reviews, just assumed it would be the same old great portable gas grill. Another mistake.
Received said grill and found that it had been redesigned (cost reduced) to just a shadow of its former self. The flavor bar has been eliminated, the grill grate has been changed to something more akin to a broiler pan, the regulator is some new more complex design, and the fit-and-finish was sub par. I then read the reviews and sure enough people are not happy with this formally great grill.
I would encourage people to read the Amazon reviews before purchasing this grill. Yes, I can spend $60+ and buy replacement flavor bar and grill grate, but I'm so disgusted by this that I'm just returning the piece of junk and will purchase something else.
Just an fyi.