Stopped for gas with the class C on I-95 in May. As with the OP, it was a gas station with a fast joint on one end and the place was packed. Pulled in behind a pickup with no one there, but figured the driver was paying inside. A young (maybe 19-20 year old) male sauntered out to the pickup.
While he pumped, I stepped into our bathroom. As I plopped back into the driver's seat, I saw him sauntering (that seemed to be his only speed) towards the fast food entrance. After about ten more minutes, I was able to back out and get into the next pump aisle.
About five minutes after I started filling the RV, he ambled (even slower than a saunter) across the parking lot carrying a drink and a bag of food. I could not believe it. I stepped in front of the RV and very loudly called out, "You saw me waiting behind you, BUT YOU WENT TO GET (expletive deleted) LUNCH?!?"
I thought that was the height of rudeness until I read the OP's post.