I ran into the same thing.
Pulled in behind a car at the pumps with my MH towing. I was at a 45 degree angle and partially blocking the truck exit as I pulled up behind the car.
She was just getting back from inside with some food and her kids in tow, so I thought it was safe to pull in behind her because I thought she would be pulling right out.
Well.....she proceeds to start feeding all her kids inside and outside the car like a big picnic and not leaving! I can't back up and now none of the trucks can leave because I'm blocking them. :E
The trucks can't see from where they are at why I am not moving up. One big and I mean big trucker comes up to my MH door and as he does I quickly point to the car in front of me. So he headed for the car.
He didn't mince any words because she was a woman either! All I saw was here packing up food with one hand and shoving kids into car seats with the other and taking off as fast as she could. Trucker gave me a thumbs up and went back to his rig.
Whew, just another fun filled day of wonderful, peaceful, RV'ing. :B