Dec 27, 2018Explorer
Who's got one? What kind? Where do you fly it? Any special purpose for it?
2edgesword wrote:
BTW, included in the bill is a requirement that ANYONE flying a drone pass a aeronautical knowledge test...
(1) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, the Administrator, in consultation with manufacturers of unmanned aircraft systems, other industry stakeholders, and community-based organizations, shall develop an aeronautical knowledge and safety test, which
can then be administered electronically by the Administrator, a community-based organization, or a person designated by the Administrator.
As stated the test has to be developed within 180 days so at some point in the next year everyone that wants to legally fly a drone will have to take and pass this test. If the current Part 107 test (commercial drone pilots) is a guide it will include airspace regulations, communications, chart reading, elements of aerodynamics and weather.