after making a trip from Billings, MT to Moab, UT, following a GPS unit (not Garmin), and having the less-than-smart GPS tell me to turn right down in WY where there wasn't a road (I could see the right turn from the top of the hill, a mile or so on down the road)...
I became convinced the fool thing was great for finding rummage/garage/estate sales in town, but I would never rely on it for long distance travel directions again.
We now have Garmins with lifetime map updates. They don't show the latest reconstruction on our way to town ("traffic circle"). Yes, they both have been updated. Maybe next year.
The last time I went to Great Falls, it didn't show the highway change up there, either. It showed me driving through a wheat field! That was two years ago. Maybe when I get the updates next spring...
I will never allow it to tell me to go over Beartooth Pass this time of year. It is closed until late Spring/early Summer 2021!
Don't let Garmin tell you to use the railroad underpass in downtown
Billings. The clearance is only 8' 6"!
Those things are a good tool, but only YOU are smart enough to stay out of trouble on the highways and byways!