A diesel is more efficient when pulling for the simple fact that the HP is made at a much lower RPM. I HAVE RUN MANY THOUSANDS OF MILES next to a MH of similar size and weight as mine when we run the flat land I cruise at about 1850 RPM which is right in the sweet spot. I think the Chevy 8.1 motor that is in the other mh gets a couple mpg less running the flat land. The real difference comes when accelerating and climbing I will climb a 4-5 % grade at about 2300 RPM while a gas MH will be in the 4000 + range the diesel using much less effort and fuel when climbing or pulling a heavy load. While the article stating the performance being similar it also states that flatness of the HP curve is a consideration this is where the diesel has it all over a gas motor. I will concede that many trailers , 5ers and MH will do well with the Gas motor but there comes that weight point where the gas motor will no longer be a good choice. The big MH today are all Diesels, Busses such as the over the road kind are all diesels, the trucking industry is all diesels not because you can't make a big HP gas motor but because the efficiency and torque to move the load is insufficient in a gas motor. Without torque value and RPM there is no such thing as HP. I think the value stated in the above post is tongue in check as the measurement is Torque X RPM / 5250 = HP