Forum Discussion

msmith1199's avatar
Explorer II
May 11, 2015

Good find on E-Bay

I thought this was funny. I was searching for some RV items on ebay and came across a 2003 Trailer Life RV Campground Finder! Comes with CD too! And for only $13.48 you too can have 12 year old information on campgrounds!

  • mowermech wrote:
    Such things may become collectibles in the near future.
    How funny will some think it is when one sells for $500?

    The one I have in the motorhome is about that old, and it worked just fine for our trip to Tennessee a couple years ago. It seems that very little has changed!

    That's what I was thinking. You would want to call ahead to be sure but, things don't change that quickly. Now if it were a 1993 that would be different.
  • Such things may become collectibles in the near future.
    How funny will some think it is when one sells for $500?

    The one I have in the motorhome is about that old, and it worked just fine for our trip to Tennessee a couple years ago. It seems that very little has changed!
  • Unfortunately, it's probably up to date info for a few campgrounds.
  • I have some windows 3.1 floppies if someone wants to pay me $40 plus shipping...