obie311 wrote:
Yes that's exactly what my calculations revealed. The published 11,030 is the figure I found from Lichtsinn RV.
A 2022 Honda CRV curb weight is ~3600 lbs. + 90 lbs for 15 gallons gas + ~40 lbs (strictly a guess) for towbar and bracket would give me a gross weight of toad vehicle of 3730. Well under the 4,220 lb. figure. I'm an old pilot so I'm used to figuring weight and balances.
Now, back to my original query. I'm looking for a four down toad in a certain size and weight parameter.
Any suggestions??
i’m an old pilot as well.
we used to tow our ‘03 2d Jeep Wranger (TJ). tows really EZ with no speed/time/distance restrictions (unlike other mfgs). Jeep made the TJ between 1997-2006 with curb weights that are less than your max weight limit. the TJ models include an extended length version (still 2d) called “Unlimited”. they had curb weights around 3800-lbs IIRC. later model Wranglers started getting heavier bur i have no personal experience with them as we still have our ‘03.