Nov-05-2015 02:50 AM
Nov-08-2015 07:10 AM
Nov-07-2015 05:32 PM
Butch9101 wrote:
I talked to my buddy who owns a garage today to see what he he thought about the gear change and he said going from 3.73 to 4.10 isn't gonna make much diff. I would have to go 4.56 to notice it. And that would suck for daily driving. So I think I'm gonna keep my gearing and have to make a choice on the camper size I want
Nov-07-2015 02:36 PM
Nov-06-2015 03:43 PM
Nov-06-2015 12:12 PM
As I said earlier you *MIGHT* not like the performance, but you will never know unless you try.
Not having the power to roar up mountain passes at 70MPH left you in "a dangerous situation," really? How was it dangerous? For one thing you could have feathered the gas pedal and not held it to redline if that's what you thought was dangerous. Was the line of cars behind you the concern? That's their problem not yours. About the only "danger" was if someone road-raged on you and had a gun or something. You can't live your life worrying about stuff like that.
Nov-06-2015 11:59 AM
Nov-06-2015 09:30 AM
Nov-06-2015 07:19 AM
So you are suggesting a lighter camper or upgrading my gearing to 4.10?
Nov-06-2015 06:22 AM
Nov-06-2015 05:29 AM
Butch9101 wrote:
If I would change my gearing. Would I have to do both front and back like older trucks. Or just back?
Nov-06-2015 05:22 AM
Nov-06-2015 03:44 AM
Butch9101 wrote:
So you are suggesting a lighter camper or upgrading my gearing to 4.10?
Nov-06-2015 03:40 AM
camp-n-family wrote:
I have a '14 Ram 2500 with the 5.7 Hemi, 6 speed, 3.73 gear and is rated to tow 13k. We tow our bullet 31BHPR with it which weighs 6400lbs dry and scales at 7600lbs loaded.
It tows ok in the flats and small hills but it really struggles in the mountains. I'm not afraid to wind it out either. The killer is the 3.73 gear. We've encountered several hills where we were unable to get out of first gear when accelerating from a stop. Lots of power up to redline in first but when it would shift to second it bogged down and couldn't hold speed. Forget about accelerating. We were stuck manually shifting to hold it in first, at redline and 35mph, to the top of the hills while holding up traffic. For comparison, my old Tundra towed the same TT over the same hills effortlessly and could acclerate. Same power but 4.30 gears.
Needless to say we were a little surprised since we were barely 1/2 the tow rating. I looked at trading the truck in but would lose my shirt. Right now I'm considering a gear swap to 4.10s before next towing season.
Nov-06-2015 01:34 AM
Butch9101 wrote:
I towed my Catalina fb223 dry weight 4,400 lbs. fully loaded I'm guessing 6,400 lbs plus 3 people in truck 3 dogs 3 kayaks and a generator in the bed with kayaks. I towed it with ease to Florida down through Tennessee. Destin Florida was the destination. Average 10 mpg. The 2 trailers in looking at are coachmen 5,500 dry weight and a Salem 6,400 dry. The more I've been hearing the more I'm thinking about the lighter trailer.