So you are suggesting a lighter camper or upgrading my gearing to 4.10?
Not suggesting anything, just relating my experience. Personally, I'm not very happy with the experience in the hills. Luckily where I live there aren't a lot of them.
The truck will pull an 8k tt but will struggle on steep grades if you're not already up to speed. Second gear is too tall and the 1-2 shift drops below the power band. It pulls hard in first above 3k rpm, where the power is, right up to redline but the shift to 2nd drops the rpm to around 2k where there is no power to pull. It bogs down and loses speed causing a shift right back to 1st @ redline which then causes an immediate drop to 2nd and the cycle starts over. Only way around it is to manually hold it in first and crawl up the hill.
I don't need to be a speed demon up hills, but twice this left me in dangerous situations.
Everybody thinks "it's a 3/4 ton, it can pull that no problem". Heck, I did too when I bought the truck, but not many are speaking from actual experience with the engine, gearing and trans combo. Lots of power, lots of payload, just poorly geared.
See if you can borrow or test tow an 8k tt and go pull some hills. It's the only way to know if you'll be comfortable. If you're not in the hills you'll be fine. If you pull a lot of grades, especially from a standstill, not so much.