I live in California, bought a home here recently, know for a fact that the man who lived here died here in this very room I am in now, and It was not disclosed to us. Doesn't really bother me. The funny thing is they have strangely become part of our lives and we never even met these folks.
His name was Larry and his wife Marcia was moved to a care facility when we purchased the home. I have been told that both Larry and Marcia are/were wonderful folks many times. Wish I could have met them.
My daughter, who was two when we moved in must have heard us talking about Larry with a neighbor and later decided that Larry still lived with us. She would wave hello to Larry, talk about him and ask about his life. Seriously creepy and also sweet. A few years later Marcia passed away and I asked my daughter about Larry and she said that Larry left to be with Marcia.
I just got Marcia's mail again the other day.