Feb 24, 2014Nomad
No new story tonight.... How boring is that?
Well, here I am in FREEZING Calgary Alberta, still....
Another week goes by, temperatures have dropped dramatically in the past couple days. Dang its chilly here now.
It is minus 24C here, and dropping. (-11F) But ahhhhh I am warm in here, furnace runs a lot but it's comfy.
No stories tonight, no more butter in the heat ducts, no more black tank flowing on the bathroom floor!! Nothing! No mishaps or anything..
Tried pulling the cork on my grey tank... forget it, can't even get the cap off the dump pipe. Oh well, I'm still ok for now.
My electric heater conked out a few days ago, the fan seized up. Oh well, plugged in my backup heater and put up with the obnoxious racket it makes for about 3 days now. Argh! No more!
Rather than launch it out the door, I went to the nearby Rona store to buy a nice quiet radiant heater. Thank you Don, you're awesome!
But the thing was HUGE, it occupies a lot of real estate in my skinny walkway past the kitchen. Me and my size 12's would be tripping over it every time I went for a "P".
So I bought a nice compact little Honeywell fan forced deal. It is RED! My favorite color! But the fan is whisper quiet. It will suffice until I find a small sized radiant that doesn't occupy half my living area...
Meanwhile, my furnace still gronks when it starts up. Too danged cold out there to pull this puppy apart and fix it. It's still going, for now.
Anyhow, how boring is this? Ho Hum! Nothing funny to report! BORING!!!
On the lighter side, I treated myself to a nice prime rib buffet dinner last night and then went to a show, one of my favorite old bands from the 70's.
Chilliwack! Yeah loved the music as a young man so I went and enjoyed a bunch of the old tunes. Jerry Doucette was there too.
Great show! Man they are all old and grey! Those who have hair that is!!
My entry door needs new weatherstrip to try and cut down on chiseling the ice off the door frame so I can open and close it. So I bought some today and got back here. Fuddle Duddle!!! Too blinkin cold to work here with my TT door wide open! Ahh maybe later.
Now I'll go see if I can break something so I can write another story!
Have a good evening everyone!
Another week goes by, temperatures have dropped dramatically in the past couple days. Dang its chilly here now.
It is minus 24C here, and dropping. (-11F) But ahhhhh I am warm in here, furnace runs a lot but it's comfy.
No stories tonight, no more butter in the heat ducts, no more black tank flowing on the bathroom floor!! Nothing! No mishaps or anything..
Tried pulling the cork on my grey tank... forget it, can't even get the cap off the dump pipe. Oh well, I'm still ok for now.
My electric heater conked out a few days ago, the fan seized up. Oh well, plugged in my backup heater and put up with the obnoxious racket it makes for about 3 days now. Argh! No more!
Rather than launch it out the door, I went to the nearby Rona store to buy a nice quiet radiant heater. Thank you Don, you're awesome!
But the thing was HUGE, it occupies a lot of real estate in my skinny walkway past the kitchen. Me and my size 12's would be tripping over it every time I went for a "P".
So I bought a nice compact little Honeywell fan forced deal. It is RED! My favorite color! But the fan is whisper quiet. It will suffice until I find a small sized radiant that doesn't occupy half my living area...
Meanwhile, my furnace still gronks when it starts up. Too danged cold out there to pull this puppy apart and fix it. It's still going, for now.
Anyhow, how boring is this? Ho Hum! Nothing funny to report! BORING!!!
On the lighter side, I treated myself to a nice prime rib buffet dinner last night and then went to a show, one of my favorite old bands from the 70's.
Chilliwack! Yeah loved the music as a young man so I went and enjoyed a bunch of the old tunes. Jerry Doucette was there too.
Great show! Man they are all old and grey! Those who have hair that is!!
My entry door needs new weatherstrip to try and cut down on chiseling the ice off the door frame so I can open and close it. So I bought some today and got back here. Fuddle Duddle!!! Too blinkin cold to work here with my TT door wide open! Ahh maybe later.
Now I'll go see if I can break something so I can write another story!
Have a good evening everyone!