just me wrote:
If you live in the 91722-91723-91724 area codes in California, beware that the city fathers are at it again. They are having a hearing on May 6th on parking regulation for your RV. "No parking in front of a structure and the curb on your lot".
For more information call Rich @ 626-332-2092 This notice is on the Good Sam web site, but this is the just of it.
I don't understand the gist of you post? Was it to bring to light the up coming parking regulation. If it was, these zip codes are not the only places that have that kind of parking restrictions. So why not include all zip codes in this discusion or generalize about the parking restriction, as a whole, and not singling out just California.
We Californians are just as proud of our state as anyone else is of theirs. I would expect all would defend the place that they choose to reside. We all enjoy spending time in each state and provinces, in our travels. To question rules and regulations are valid discusions. But to let a dicusion turn into a state bashing, is just plain wrong.
Now I'll just step off my soapbox and leave all to their opinions. :?