wa8yxm wrote:
Far as I know (Science major) WATER is unique of all substances in the world in that when it turns from Liquid to Soild IT EXPANDS.. This is why ICe folats.
All other substances the transformation it Shrinks.. .
big urban myth!!!! ( and yes, many science teachers passed on this misinformation to classes!!)
water is NOT the only material that expands when it freezes. there are mutiple elements that expand when the solidify, let alone other compounds. Yes, most shrink, but not ALL.
the elements silicon, gallium, germanium, antimony, bismuth, plutonium expand as a solid vs liquid.
In fact the old typeset printing process relied on a alloy that expanded when solidifying to make the type have better image quality. Type metal as used by printers is an alloy is antimony, lead and tin has the characteristic of expanding on freezing thus producing sharper type.
BTW anyone remember the sci fi movie in which the earth warmed up, artic ice pack broke up and sank, crashing into the submarine below the surface...... first big laugh in the movie.