Tires...and don't forget wheels...their charactoristics and interaction
Lower profile tires has a stiffer sidewall just by the fact it is shorter. Below add "vs higher profile tire of the same size and load rating"
- The sidewalls thicker and stiffer
- Slip angle is less
- There is less sidewall "roll over" during maneuvers
- There is less surface area to disapate heat
- There is less impact compliance
- Much more sensitive to PSI
- Much more sensitive to wheel rim width vs tire OEM recommended rim width
Today's tire compounds need much longer (time and miles) to break in (cure). Until they break in, they will NOT meet full handling specifications
Ride Quality is pits the metrics against handling/performance. Make your priorities and chose. Ride quality is not on my 'have to have' list and low on my 'nice to have' list
Why my wheels are 16x10 and the tires rim width range 7-8 inches, bead to bead. Since mine are 2 inches wider, the sidewall has almost no sidewall bendback and roll-over is almost none existant...all at 80PSI
So, to the OP, if new tires are in the future...and if the budget allows it...consider wider rims. Up the the OEM's max for that tire. Going over like mine will greatly reduce ride quality, but greatly increase handling (lots and lots)
Always or too often see underinflated and each time see one and able to take a are some examples of low profile tires that were underinflated...and that truck tire of a higher profile was run underinflated
Tire PSI ratings is NOT just for weight...but, IMHO, more to do with keeping it's shape & within it's temp range "at rated loades/speeds"
{edit} 'free' image hosting is not limiting 3rd party posting/hosting...oh well...will repost after finding another hosting site...or if deem worth paying at :D No way am going to pay $399.99/ it's going to take a while to find a better place...
This one found in front one morning and don't know what vehicle, but 'P' class tire and they changed their tire to leave this

Neighor's brothers truck that was towed to his house. He ran it even though 'heard' and 'felt' it running funny. Turns out he lowered the PSI for Ride Quality the week before

This SUV was out front and used it as a teaching moment for Sasha when he was about 8. Lady drove from SF, about 30 miles away, and it blew. She told her husband the ride was too he lowered the PSI the day before

{edit}...testing 17jun30 8:55pm...thanks Barney !!!! to find the correct ones of tens of thousands in my 4TB image drive.... :)