Dave H M wrote:
uhh, pitch, thanks for a slap with the wet noodle. I needed that.
now where is I 40? Ya grab I 40 east off the Briley at Nashville and run it all the way to I 26 if you please.
I could have been lost, however i have run that route for more than two decades. I take the Hopkinsville/Ft Campbell turn off and gas up at the Flying J.
No bit**ing intended. I just thought it was amazing at how rough that concrete road was.
I give up trying to figure where this stretch of road is. The Hopkinsville/ Ft Campbell exit is off I24 about 40 miles north of I40. It does have a Flying J! I26 is over in NC/SC:h Guess we'll just have to say there's a rough patch somewhere on I40, I24 or I26.... I agree and add I65 to the list.