Hmm... Hundred of thousands, no wait, millions of people stay in motels and hotels every day. How many do you know that have contracted diseases or other things from them? Yes, bed bugs are real. But how many personally know someone who got them? The media has done a wonderful job creating a paranoia about something that isn't really a problem.
That said we do both. It just depends on where we want to go and what we want to do. For example we celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary with a week at the Ahwahnee Hotel in Yosemite National Park. We took Amtrak there and back and had a roomette. Awesome! An experience I would not trade for a month in an any RV. This past Sept. we spent a week in a cottage at Natural Bridge State Park in KY. Next year we aren't doing anything but using the trailer.
To each his own I guess. We all have to be happy doing what we do. Its all about the memories we make. No one's way is right or wrong, or better or worse.