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Spell Check - a remedy

I read on another post that spell check doesn't work on this forum.

As you know when you have a word spelled wrong, a red line appears under the word (this might be an option in settings). You can put your cursor in the word, and then RIGHT CLICK........a pop up will come up showing different spellings. If the word is recognizable (heh heh), then the first word in the list is the right spelling. 🙂
My mind is a garden. My thoughts are the seeds. My harvest will be either flower or weeds

Dee and Bob
plus 2 spoiled cats
On the road FULL-TIME.......see ya there, my friend

BTW, if you are using Chrome you can set the language used for spell checking in the advanced settings. Just saying... 😉

Explorer III
Explorer III
frankdamp wrote:
Even the best spell checkers don't help if you use the wrong word and spell it correctly. They also often don't catch it when I inadvertently use my native British spelling of some words..

I do not have a problem reading British spelling.. I do understand English even if we here in America do not speak it often (I do not speak it, at least not well).

As for rumors of the speil clinker not working on any given web page or service.. FIREFOX has one built in.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times

frankdamp wrote:
The number of times I see web "sights" is amazing. I will sometimes post a message that says "This web-sight is a site for soar ayes".

Too bad you didn't cite a couple of examples.

Mary, the world's best wife (1951-2009) R.I.P
Lizzy (a Boston)
Izzy, Pepper & BuddyP - Gone but not forgotten
2005 Itasca Suncruiser 35A

My computer beat me at chess once; but it was no match for me at kickboxing.

As said spell check won't help when it's the wrong word. A few of of my favourites:

- quite when quiet is meant
- people asking for advise... should be advice. You ask for advice whereas you advise someone.
- breaks instead of brakes

and yes I also hate it when the spell checker flags Canadian spelling of words as wrong... such as favourites above.
2017 F350 Platinum DRW
2013 Adventurer 89RB

Cna yuo raed tihs? if yuo cna raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid, too.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulatcly uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.

The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Azanmig hhu? Yaeh, and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
Mary, the world's best wife (1951-2009) R.I.P
Lizzy (a Boston)
Izzy, Pepper & BuddyP - Gone but not forgotten
2005 Itasca Suncruiser 35A

My computer beat me at chess once; but it was no match for me at kickboxing.

Even the best spell checkers don't help if you use the wrong word and spell it correctly. They also often don't catch it when I inadvertently use my native British spelling of some words.

The number of times I see web "sights" is amazing. I will sometimes post a message that says "This web-sight is a site for soar ayes".
Frank Damp, DW - Eileen, pet - female Labrador (10 yrs old), location Anacortes, WA, retired RVers (since Dec 2014)

Hmm downloaded Speckie it works-though ieSpell simpler, like its format. Speckie highlights the misspelled word(s), so when I run ieSpell at least I can catch when it runs words together.

PuzzlinieSpellll seemed to bworkingin checking as I go- when I added this second paragraph started jacking. Now its deleting prior space and last letter of previous word-leaving last 2 letters of replaced word-odd...thought I had it-need a testing area so i can just try different combinations-see whats triggering this before I give up on it-
Now thats peculiar-I misspelled combination above- highlighted just that sentence and ieSpell worked. And again on this sentence.


above was "trying paragraphss" 4 hard returns=4 missing characters, 4 leftover...
WOW. You cant see but Ive been playing and Its the hard return? If I delete all hard returns between '...sentence.' paragraph and 'trying paragraphs' ie works. For every hard return, thats how many letters are deleted when ie inserts corrected word. Only thing that comes to mind is this forum uses BBC code-verses other forums I frequent that use something else. Going to go visit some other BBC code base sites and see if repeatable. IeSpell usually works for me-it was only this forum thats become issue...I can check this entire paragraph and ieSpell works-if I add a return to split into paragraphs it starts jacking. So work around is either checking a paragraph at a time, ensuring no hard return are in selection or no paragraphs.

Could be that ieSpell seemed to work previously for me because usually don't add paragraphs-but more likely that I just gave up XP. As ieSpell hasn't been updated since 2010 and most software has spell checks now not likely to be addressed.
01 Ford F250 4x4 DRW Diesel, 01 Elkhorn 9U
Our camper projects page

AnEv942 wrote:
IeSpell users:
Is it still working for you on this forum? I have 3 different cpus with different operating systems, all use IEexplorer but different versions, also 2 differnt versions of iespell. Recently all/any, when using iespell specificaly only on this forum- The corrected word is inserted, deleting space before previous word and leaving last letter of mispelled word.

just FYI this is ieSpell corrected;

"Is it still working for you on this forum? I have 3 differentCPUss with differentoperatingg systems, all useIE explorerr but different versions.Recentlyy none when usingieSpelll work correctly butspecificallyl on the this forum. The corrected word is inserted"...

Been using iespell for couple of years-just odd-but unsure where the fault is.

IESpell works great, for me. No missed spaces or letters left behind.
'13 F250XL SC gas 4x4 8', Camper & Plow packages, StableLoads, LT285/65R-18 Goodyear Wrangler A/T Adventure, 18x9 Ultra Motorsports "Phantom" wheels
'12 Wolf Creek 850 TC Coleman Polar Cub 9.2k A/C, 90 watt solar, dual propane & batteries, Maggie Rack

JaxDad wrote:
I guess it makes a difference if you are trying to spell words in English or American also.

My system tries to tell me I'm spelling "neighbour" and "flavour" wrong.

It's that "mercurial" thing, eh?

UK/US Spelling. "CANADIANS being particularly mercurial"..;)


Explorer III
Explorer III
I guess it makes a difference if you are trying to spell words in English or American also.

My system tries to tell me I'm spelling "neighbour" and "flavour" wrong.

IeSpell users:
Is it still working for you on this forum? I have 3 different cpus with different operating systems, all use IEexplorer but different versions, also 2 differnt versions of iespell. Recently all/any, when using iespell specificaly only on this forum- The corrected word is inserted, deleting space before previous word and leaving last letter of mispelled word.

just FYI this is ieSpell corrected;

"Is it still working for you on this forum? I have 3 differentCPUss with differentoperatingg systems, all useIE explorerr but different versions.Recentlyy none when usingieSpelll work correctly butspecificallyl on the this forum. The corrected word is inserted"...

Been using iespell for couple of years-just odd-but unsure where the fault is.
01 Ford F250 4x4 DRW Diesel, 01 Elkhorn 9U
Our camper projects page

Explorer II
Explorer II
I thought that they finally fixed spell check on this site, then realized it was because I switched to Chrome for the browser. Oddly, it also fixed my lagging keyboard strokes. I don't care who's tracking me by the way. You think the other ones don't?
Puma 30RKSS

Explorer III
Explorer III
amandasgramma wrote:
I didn't say it was "this forum's" spell check.....I thought it was something on all computers. 🙂

Quite frankly I did not know MSIE does not have a built in speil clunker either. I just know firefox does and right click (MENU) is a local function not a remote (Web page) function.

I use Firefox. and MSIE and Chrome depending on the page I'm visiting (Actually have not used Chrome that much but it is resident on this laptop (Came with it) so I have not yet killed it off).

One of the fun things about having used home computers since my first VIC-20 in 1983 (or Dec 82) is that I have forgotten as much as I know or so it seems.. My last computer was a free netwook.. Daughter, who does not like firewalls and A/V software cause they "Slow it down too much" Caught a virus.. Not much of a virus but never the less it disabled her ability to use her computer...

Her Husband, who is supposed to be kind of good at this kind of thing, spent over two hours recovering just one file from the box she needed to finish her semister in college.

She finally gave it to me "IF you can get it working, it's yours"

Took me 15 minutes.. one of those old anarchic DOS commands I remembered from my DOS days first diagnosed it, and then with different arguments, fixed it.

Then it was update the AV and Firewall, and slap the remains of the virus off the drive.. And it's all good.

Alas, now (over 2 years later) it's getting king of long in the tooth again, Still works but S*L*O*W plus it is running out of HD, and a new 500 GiG HD (What is in this new windows 8.1 box) cost more than the new windows 8.1 box (I'm not kidding, Deal of the week at Staples the normally 400 dollar computer (more than the hd) was 250, the HD is 350 online, and I walked out the store with the computer all paid for.. In Cash.
Home was where I park it. but alas the.
2005 Damon Intruder 377 Alas declared a total loss
after a semi "nicked" it. Still have the radios
Kenwood TS-2000, ICOM ID-5100, ID-51A+2, ID-880 REF030C most times

I use IE (I think...). Anyway I do have spell check...sometimes it autocorrects whatever I type incorrectly, sometimes I have the red squiggly line. Sometimes I just notice I've misspelled myself and have to go back and retype. I'm a stickler for good grammar, correct spelling and decent punctuation...but I'm no expert;)

Now for others' posts, I'm not so picky. As long as I can figure out what they're trying to say it's all good:)