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Support Chat Service

As we travel around this great country, I find ourselves in areas of poor coverage for our cell telephone. Combine that with my advancing age, and decreased hearing ability, I find it difficult to speak on the phone.

As a result I have started to use on line “chat” with vendors or companies that I might want to purchase from.

I have noticed that most of the time, that the on line chat is a big waste of time! I spend a long time typing out a question, editing it for spelling and then sending. Often, the agent does not even address the issue being discussed, but rather responds with some obviously canned sentences applicable for all contacts. I don’t need a sales speech; I am looking for an answer!

On a recent contact with a major company, I tried twice, with two different agents. I got two conflicting responses along with the sales pitch. Both, eventually, after numerous messages back and forth, said I had to call on a telephone! I called alright and canceled the vendors’ service!

Does anyone else here find this insulting and disappointing? Do chat lines work for you? Am I doing something wrong? (I do remain polite)
Our Rig:
2005 Dodge 3500 - Dually- Cummins
2006 Outback 27 RSDS

We also have with us two rescue dogs. A Chihuahua mix & a Catahoula mix.

"I did not get to this advanced age because I am stupid."

Full time since June 2006

I'veused them, and noticed the same stuff as you did. These are marginally trained people, probably running 5 to 10 "chats" at the same time (why they take so long to respond) and they are just reading their canned scripts and sales pitch.

The phone people are as bad. Calls take 3 times as long as they should, while the rep reads canned pleasantries off their script. You really don't care how I am, just get on with it.
Jim M.
2008 Monaco Knight 40skq, moho #2
The "68"
My very own new

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Explorer II
Explorer II
No they don't work well.

The only one I've used was Verizon's, and it just turns into a sales pitch with canned responses, as you said.

However, I don't take a long time typing and editing.. maybe they're getting impatient with you. Good luck.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman