Thanks again Barney. This has been helpful.
I was talking with the dealer yesterday again as I mentioned and I am not going to mess with getting the hitch from them. I contacted Blue Ox yesterday via their website and they are very helpful. I explained the camper specs that we have and the confirmed that the BXW1003 which is for the Underslung Coupler is the kit that I want to go with. They also asked about what our truck is and confirmed that the 7 hole adjustable shank included is the one that we need as well as confirmed the ball that I will get.
If I get everything before we go pick it up, I can likely set it up in the dealer's lot. We are going on Saturday to finalize the paperwork and if it is on level ground I will grab a measurement of the coupler height. If I can do that I should be able to get the hitch 90% set up at home without the camper. With that measurement I add 1-2" and that is my unloaded ball height on the truck.
When I go to pick up the camper I measure back 29" and slap on the clamp on brackets for the rotating lift mounts and double check my chains are straight and torque it down with my torque wrench. Since it is a chain system figure out how many links I need to drop to get it level and I am off.
Even if they do price match they are not doing much for what they are charging. Through I can get it all with free shipping for $615 including the new ball. Where they are asking $850. There are times in life where I factor in my time or having to run out and buy a bunch of expensive stuff that I will only use once. This isn't that time consuming and I have the tools to do it. Since this hitch doesn't have all the adjustments and shims, setting it up is pretty easy. The only potential issue is if the propane tanks are in the way at 29" but when I am there I will measure that as well then order everything.