davebr wrote:
No, as confusing as it is, the trailer on the scale attached to the TV with the TV off the scale was indeed 4,960#.---
Yes, it is confusing.
In your first post you said, "
I had a weight of 5,780 pounds for the trailer that was attached to my 2005 Ford Expedition with a weight distributing hitch. The Expedition was not on the scale.
In your second post you said, "---
the trailer on the scale attached to the TV with the TV off the scale was indeed 4,960#.
I believe the two statements describe the same weighing situation -- but the weights are different.
Also, in your first post, you said, "
The trailer by itself on the scale and not attached to the Expedition was 4,960 pounds.
In your second post, you said, "
---with just the TT on the scale (with jack stand on scale as well) was 5,780#.
Again, I believe these two statements describe the same weighing situation -- but the weights are different.
I believe your second post is the correct version.
Per your second post, the tongue weight would be approximately 820# plus any load which was transferred to the TT's axles via the WDH.
If you really want to know whether your WDH is properly adjusted, you need to make three weighings of front axle, rear axle, and TT axle pair for:
1) TV only with WDH in the receiver and WD bars in the rear of the TV,
2) TV with TT hitched and no WD applied
3) TV with TT hitched and with WD applied.
The TV and TT should be loaded the same for all weighings.