No, as confusing as it is, the trailer on the scale attached to the TV with the TV off the scale was indeed 4,960#. Then to my suprise, with just the TT on the scale (with jack stand on scale as well) was 5,780#. At the time, I contributed the lessor amount on the TT to the work of the WDH. I am concerned about the WDH being set properly and plan on having a professional check it out for me. When the WDH was orignally installed, I thought the front end of the TV was high and the steering was loose. I lowered the L brackets one hole and seemed better but the L brackets keep coming loose and also the lower portion of the L bracket wants to shift backwards leaving them crooked. I have major banging noise at slow speeds and the L brackets are showing wear. While I got your attention, can any one give me advice on "Jellico Pass" as you enter Teneessee from Kentucky in I-75? Thanks all.