I can't stop there...maybe as a Cop I did things a bit different but just for an example, when pulling someone over for a Traffic Violation or even a broken Tail light, I would let the Attitude of the person being stopped determine what could happen. No attitude/cooperative, quite possibly a warning! Lots of Attitude, then we get into that Parking Ticket you forget 5 years ago which resulted in a 200.00 warrant being issued(for those that don't know, a warrant such as this would normally be a warning also to take care of it due to an officer wanting to get out and put real criminals in Jail) but in this case, the attitude would negate that warning and promptly give the driver a one way ticket to Jail and then an Impound of their Vehicle pursuant to their arrest and an inventory search of said vehicle where those illegal drugs in your trunk would be located.....you get the picture.
Maybe I was just lucky, because 90% of the time, my partner and I would come out on top these scenario's....all because of Attitude. I'd be willing to wager Most if not all LEO's do the same.