Realist1948 wrote:
Has anyone ever tried the following?
I'm expecting a few below-freezing nights on my next trip with my travel trailer. It has a propane fueled hot water heater. It also has a hot-and-cold mix faucet on the outside. I can run a hose from that faucet into the fresh water inlet. If I keep the hot water heater on, trickle warm water from the outside faucet back into the fresh water, I figure I should be able to keep lukewarm water cycling through the plumbing. I may want to trickle some water from the kitchen and shower faucets (even though that water will end up in the grey water tank). As long as it doesn't stay below freezing for more than a few hours, I'm hoping this will prevent freezing.
Any comments? Thanks!
Should not be necessary if you are not getting a hard freeze. I just got back from a 9 day boondocking trip where temps were at lows of 17f - 25f every night. Highs reached 60f - 70f during the day. I kept my furnace at 50f during the night and turned it off in the morning once I warmed up. Since there was no connections, my water tank was originally full and got used up during the trip. I experienced no freezing problems. Even the 1 gallon fresh water grocery store bought jug that sat outside did not fully freeze. Yes there was ice in it but it was not solid ice.
I purposely did not use my outside shower and made sure that was drained out. All of my holding tanks are exposed, so not enclosed with heat. There are also no heater strips on them. You should be fine using your camper, normally, without running water like you are saying since you indicated no hard freeze.