OkieGene wrote:
Is the pot steel or aluminum?
If steel, go guy a handful of magnets and experiment with sticking them around the OUTSIDE until it's well balanced and of the weight you desire. Rare Earth Magnets are really strong.
If aluminum you could super glue some small decorative metal pieces to the outside. This might be a great way,
Personalize it and make it very unique and a conversation piece.
Magnets and heat don't always mix effectively; permanent magnets can be demagnetized by heat. The heat performance of rare earth magnets varies with their composition and grade, but some can start to have permanent effects above 80 C, below coffee making temperatures and well below gas burner temperatures.
Metals also lose their magnetic attraction quite suddenly above some temperature (the Curie point), but aren't likely to get anywhere near that making coffee. This property has some interesting applications for temperature control, in fact; typical inexpensive rice cookers know when to shut off based on the phenomenon, detecting the temperature rise when the excess water has boiled away. Metcal soldering irons also used a very clever application of the effect to maintain the proper temperature effectively and permanent calibration.