We have a saying in our family: It's not a vacation until someone goes to the ER. :S I don't know if I can even remember them all.
*There was the first camping trip. Around 5am, my 3 year old woke up crying. He is mentally handicapped and autistic, so I figured he was just out of his routine and couldn't soothe himself. I took him outside the tent to calm down(and not wake the other kids). DH decided to build a fire for me. A big fire. A great big fire. The wind was blowing about 20mph and that fire was blowing sideways. Now, to his credit, DH didn't know squat about camping or camp fires. While he was thrashing around trying to dampen the fire, he tripped over the fire grate and flayed his leg open. Off to the ER for stitches and a tetanus shot.
*There was the time DH set up a hammock on a hillside. He was swinging in the hammock and one end cut loose, throwing him head first into an oak tree. He fractured his skull and had a wicked concussion. Off to the ER.
*Then there was the time DH got altitude sickness at the Grand Canyon. Off to the ER...again...
Various others of us have suffered corneal abrasions, pneumonia, burst eardrum, dehydration, broken arm, head injuries, lacerations, falls out of trees and off a 15ft cliff. Oh, and there was the rollover with 5 of us in the car...off to the ER...
Are we having fun yet? :R