Forum Discussion

SooperDaddy's avatar
Jul 04, 2014

You love camping.and are amongst great fellow campers!

Another season of camping in the Great Outdoors in North America.... you are following the paths of some pretty great fellow campers and avid outdoorsmen!

George Washington enjoyed fishing and riding horses. It is said he enjoyed fishing so much that he kept a a small tackle box in his pocket so he’d be able to fish at a moment’s notice, even during his Presidency.

Chester Arthur, the 21st President was an avid outdoorsman and fisherman. Ulysses S. Grants father owned horses, and he was a great horseman and outdoorsman too.

Herbert Hoover who was born in West Branch, Iowa...enjoyed fishing and the outdoors so much that he built a remote camp that served as his retreat during his presidency. It was a precursor to Camp David. Their guests at Rapidan included Charles Lindburgh, Theodore Roosevelt, and inventor Thomas Edison.

Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States along with his wife Nancy Reagan, enjoyed horseback riding and horses, especially Arabian horses. Rancho del Cielo, a 688-acre ranch northwest of Santa Barbara, California, served as the Reagans’ vacation home and a place where they enjoyed trail riding on their Arabian hors

The most famous outdoorsman among U.S. Presidents was Theodore (“Teddy”) Roosevelt, who enjoyed fishing and hunting. He was also a wildlife conservationist and lifelong member of the National Rifle Association (NRA) and was known to hunt bison, buck, rabbit, grouse, teal, and grizzly bear, among others. He hunted not only in North America but was also known to go on safari in Africa. When retired, Roosevelt left for an expedition in Africa to hunt on safari and collect specimens for the Smithsonian.

Chester Arthur, the 21st President was an avid fisherman he was known to take fishing excursions.

Even before his heroics in the Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant was known for his horsemanship and hunting skills.

Herbert Hoover who was born in West Branch, Iowa, enjoyed fishing and the outdoors so much that he built a remote camp that served as his retreat during his presidency. A precursor to Camp David, Rapidan Camp served as the first couple’s rustic retreat while they served in Washington, DC. Their guests at included Charles Lindburgh, Theodore Roosevelt, and inventor Thomas Edison.

Ronald Reagan, the 40th president of the United States along with his wife Nancy Reagan, enjoyed horseback riding and horses, especially Arabian horses. Rancho del Cielo, a 688-acre ranch northwest of Santa Barbara, California, served as the Reagans’ vacation home and a place where they enjoyed trail riding and outdoor Camp'n with their Arabian horses.

Perhaps the most famous outdoorsman among U.S. Presidents was Theodore (“Teddy”) Roosevelt, who enjoyed fishing and hunting. He was also a wildlife conservationist and lifelong member of the National Rifle Association (NRA).

So keep it up, as it is a proud American tradition, to enjoy our great Nation in all its stunning outdoors beauty...have a great 4th of July and Remember all who fought and continue to fight for the Freedom we all enjoy.

Happy Independance Day!