Forum Discussion

rockhillmanor's avatar
May 29, 2018

Another FAKE service dog gives birth in airport

Arghhh! :R
Service Dog gives birth in airport before boarding plane.

How many more GLARING red flags does one need to see that this was


a service dog?

Just but once again another owner lying to get their dog on a plane.
And the media splashing a false news all over the internet. This owner should have been "arrested for falsifying a service dog to gain access on a plane". Where is the TSA when you need them?

Just using the word Service Dog on all this media coverage gives a bad name to REAL service dogs. This was NOT a service dog.

Pregnant dogs are NOT used as service dogs.
Service dogs are all neutered before being put into REAL Service Dog work. So there would not be pregnant dogs in REAL service.

They seriously need to rewrite the definition of what a 'Real' Service dog is to assist the airlines, and to protect the rights of people who need real service dogs, and to stop this insanity on planes....just saying.