Forum Discussion

Mybackyard's avatar
Jan 18, 2018

Black Hills Okay for Dogs

We are looking to travel to the Black Hills this summer. We always travel with our dog. Are there places that I can go with my dog while in the Black Hills? Thank you in Advance.
  • South Dakota is a very dog friendly state. :)

    The only SD state park restrictions concerning dogs is that they must be on a leash and kept out of most buildings including rental cabins.
    Although we have noticed the leash requirements are not always strictly enforced depending on the time of the year and the behavior of the dogs which we have never encountered a problem with.

    Cleaning up after your pet is a must and of course there are always a few people pet owners who think that rule doesn't apply to them. :R
  • You may walk with your pets nearly everywhere. Restrictions apply at fed. parks, in state parks

    There are numerous day cares. Contact the park you make reservations with for a list of restrictions. It will be a short list.
  • We took our "little guy" with us almost everywhere. Of course, we had to leave him in the camper when we went to Mt. Rushmore, but that was the only place. But, we are accustomed to taking him everywhere, and if need be, one of us goes into a store while the other stays outside with him.

    These were taken down-town Custer, SD.

    And our secret for getting him into places that normally don't advertise pets allowed. Most places will let the dog in if they are in his stroller. The temperature that day was in the upper 90's and the concrete was hot enough to fry an egg. We kept him in his stroller to help protect his feet from burns. (if you take your dog in Summer months, that concrete can get very hot!)

    We had no problems taking him hiking, but be warned .... there are poisonous snakes.

    Might be real hard to see, but this is our little guy on a trail... the black dot right in the middle of the photo:

    And he was so dirty, he got a bath in an absolutely freezing cold stream. Yea, the little black thing I'm holding in my hands, that's him.

  • Black Hills is mostly state and national forest so dogs are allowed a lot more places vs national parks. They are not allowed at Mt Rushmore