Pawz4me wrote:
Hopefully Dr. Doug will correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought "baby" (low dose) aspirin wasn't particularly useful for dogs as it's almost always enteric coated and the coating doesn't dissolve at the appropriate point (or at all) in a dog's digestive tract for it to be absorbed well? My vet has always said that buffered aspirin is best for dogs. Of course that makes it tough for small dogs, as buffered aspirin is typically 325 mg. (and even that is getting harder to find).
While aspirin will work in dogs (don't use in cats without specific instructions from your vet), it is not my preferred method of control for pain/inflammation. There are nsaids that work better and are safer, and I prefer that my patients/clients keep a small supply of another nsaid on hand for those times something is needed.
Regarding aspirin, buffered is preferred. Most people tremendously under dose aspirin in dogs to the point where it probably doesn't work as needed. If you are giving a low dose aspirin to anything larger than a 10# dog, you are under dosing.
Doug, DVM