Forum Discussion
We're still working on a meetup with Short Friend's neighbor's cat. meanwhile, people are posting photos on local boards of dead cats and asking if it's Czarny. Considering all the photos so far are of dead cats over 20 miles away, no, none are Czarny. Hopefully, someone will recognize their own cat(s) and at least know what happened.
Spousal Unit insisted on going into the swimming pool yesterday. He paddled around for a while, then the big test came, where he had to climb out via the swim ladder, without assistance. I had my cell phone nearby, in case I needed to call the EMTs for assistance again. But he did it all by himself! Then he came back into the house and fell asleep in his chair.
Home heath is visiting now, and they're sending physical therapists starting this week. We should know in 60 days if this form of PT will help him, or if he needs something more.
We actually heard a mosquito buzz us in the pool yesterday. The barn swallows had not returned for the night from wherever they go during the day. I see a few out there this morning, so hopefully they'll take care of the mosquitoes before heading out. A person about 20 miles from here came down with West Nile virus, so folks are wary. With all the barn swallows on our place, I'm surprised there was a mosquito at all.
Brunch time. Later, y'all.