Forum Discussion

GordonThree's avatar
Apr 12, 2014

May have poisoned my dog

Walking around Hartwick State Park in Michigan earlier today, I came across a hand operated well pump, on the camp ground property, not just a random well in the woods.

I gave it a few pumps and water came up, so I pumped for another minute or so, and then called my dog over, since he had been searching for water.

He drank heavily from the water as I pumped it. I had not noticed any smell from the water, but had not consumed any myself.

A few hours later, I went back and filled a water jug for myself, and just had a glass... the water has a strong chlorine taste but no odor. Now I'll see how sick I get... I feel sick to my stomach, but I think its nerves and not the chlorine.

I'm guessing someone has shocked the well and not bothered to put up a warning sign or to secure the well until the shock treatment dissipates.

My dog's nose is dry and he's sleepy, but not vomiting or exhibiting other signs of distress.

I called Crawford county 911 and they blew me off, said its totally outside their control (which is BULL HOCK, I know a county can dispatch state DNR officers and state police, I work for a 911 dispatch center)

I want a DNR officer to come put a padlock on the well so no one else gets poisoned.

Just called the DEQ and reported the well as polluted. They're going to get ahold of the DNR and have the well purged.