I'm not solo but do travel with 2 boxers and you're right, there is a lot to consider.
We have left them in the jeep when we run to look at a feature. Fortunately, we've been able to find shade or it hasn't been too warm when we do. I carry plenty of water for them and use a spray bottle of water to mist them which they don't appreciate but I think it helps cool them.
We are very limited as far as hiking with them in national parks and some parks do not allow dogs in the back country...either hiking or in cars.
There are cooling mats and cooling jackets available that you can use. I have jackets and they are supposed to be soaked in cool water and put on the dogs. As the water evaporates, it cools them. The mat works pretty much the same way. I have not had to use mine so can't really comment on how well they work.
Then there is the poop pickup responsibility.... not pleasant but in most campgrounds and parks it's the rule and only right that owners pick up after their dogs. There are leash rules too which should be followed no matter how cute, smart, loving, SMALL or large your dog is. Having my 2 charged by cute, smart, loving, SMALL dogs that come at us because their owners don't think the rules apply to them is infuriating. Small dog poop stinks just as much as large dog poop too!
Different breeds suit different people and activities so match the breeds and their characteristics to your activities. There are plenty of purebred dogs in shelters and rescues as well as the heinz varieties that need loving furever homes.
Having a dog WILL for sure limit you but the companionship they give far outweighs the limitations in my opinion.
Paoli, IN
Traveling in a 2011 Ventana 3433
with 1 Hubby and 2 Boxers!