Jun-30-2019 05:20 PM
Jul-01-2019 06:07 AM
Jul-01-2019 05:26 AM
Jul-01-2019 05:03 AM
Jul-01-2019 04:53 AM
BillyBob Jim wrote:
IMO a responsible RVer with pets does not leave Precious in the rig all day so she can bark at every noise she hears, every person or car that goes by, etc. No RV is soundproof from a Coachmen to a Prevost, despite the fact that Precious never barks.
Campground ettiquette? Despite having dogs if your left behind pet goes on a barking frenzy, I'll be the first calling Rangers or management, and voicing the complaint. If its at the state park we host at you're getting a written warning and if not followed you'll be leaving shortly. I have been in that situation too many times the last few years, and do not intend to listen to your barking dog all day while you're out at the flea market. A get off of my lawn moment I suppose, but so be it lol. We do not leave ours behind and I do not care to listen to yours. I have yet to go anywhere that did not have a rule against leaving pets unattended or disturbing other campers.
Jul-01-2019 04:10 AM
Jul-01-2019 04:07 AM
Jul-01-2019 04:04 AM
Jul-01-2019 02:32 AM
SDcampowneroperator wrote:
Thank You for being a responsible rver with pets. When you have to leave them for the day, alert staff, a neighbor, arrange a walker anything for their care should you be away longer than you plan. .
A power outage is a concern, more importantly is a delay in your return. Prepare for all contingiencies.
Jun-30-2019 08:25 PM
Jun-30-2019 06:26 PM
Jun-30-2019 06:02 PM
Jun-30-2019 05:29 PM