Forum Discussion

djh77rv's avatar
Jun 28, 2019

2000 Endeavor power step

New to RV net...while driving, the power step extends and retracts on it's own. Unerving in traffic! Anyone had a similar experience?
  • Also, IF the door is NOT closed correctly, you have the same problem. Make sure the secondary part of the door latch IS engaged when the door is closed. Doug
  • wa8yxm's avatar
    Explorer III
    I'd not say the switch is bad.. I'd guess the door is bad..

    Ok, here is the switch setup on MOST rv's (optional follows)
    In the door jam at some point is a small glass tube with a pair of metal "Leaves" and a wire off each end. the leaves are ferromagnetic (A magnet will make 'em move) and when the door closes (The screen usually) a magnet on the lower edge of the door makes them either open or close. operating the steps.

    IF the door is a bit bent. the magnet will be out of position and as the door moves about due to twisting and shaking.. the steps go out the steps go in the steps to out the steps go in.
  • That usually indicates the door magnetic/pin switch is defective. Not keeping a good contac. Doug