Grey Mountain wrote:
What happens if we exceed the 30 amps available? Say, two small heaters that will use 15 amps each all by themselves.
The two heaters use 25 amps total. the fridg about 3-4.. The converter may be enough to do you in and for sure the water heater will
What happens.. Well if you are outside on the service side you might hear a CLICK.
If you are inside. and of course it's 3 am. and raining...
You get dressed and go out and reset the park pedestal breaker.
Seriously that is the worst (Short term) that will happen.
NOTE I have both 30 and 50 amp cords for my Rig (The 30 amp cord has a 50 amp outlet with a jumper wire).. I keep a spare 30 amp plug cause those can burn up.. in your case keep a spare dogbone adapter.
And "Burn up" is a bit dramatic (they melt. no fire).
I also have the ability to "Split" power to two park outlets
Oh.. I mentioned the water heater.. Mine is 375 Watts. not 1500 but 375.
Suggestion.. On those two space heaters.. Put one on LOW.
Better suggestion: PUt both of 'em on LOW..
The worst that can happen using a 1500 Watt space heater on an RV outlet is a fire.. the outlets are not all that good when the amps hit double digits.. I've had one fail.. Seen two more that failed Due to the design of the outlet.. (I have special 15/20 amp rated outlets 12 ga wire bent around a screw.. one to a circuit breaker)