Forum Discussion

mtofell1's avatar
Jul 24, 2017

5th Landing Gear Failure

2016 Keystone Hideout 5th wheel

Today I slightly over ran my landing gear and one of the bolts on the square tubular shaft that transfers power to the passenger side (opposite the motor) sheared off. My initial reaction is to just put stronger bolts in and move on but am wondering if the weak bolts are a planned failure point to prevent damage elsewhere? I also had the fuse pop once and thought that would happen before physical damage occurs?
  • You also might take a look on the top of each jack for grease zerks. I think we have 4 total. When our rig was about 6 months old it started squeaking. Greased it and the motor said Thank You . So much smoother and less load .
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    YES.......reduction gear box flops back/forth depending on which direction legs are being driven.

    Great...... THANKS!!!!! That's a huge relief. I'll get some new bolts and put it back together tomorrow.
  • YES.......reduction gear box flops back/forth depending on which direction legs are being driven.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:

    Stop overdriving legs. Make a red paint mark 1' prior to reaching FULL extension on driven leg. When you see RED/STOP

    Thanks.... yeah, I know - I have my legs marked at the top but was at the bottom - not that it's really any different. I just looked away today for a split second. My RV pad slopes down sharply at the back so when I unhook I have to drop the nose all the way down. I use ALL of the range of motion of the jacks to get it level when parked. It also drops the cap down behind my gate to keep the HOA police off my rear end :)

    One thing that has me a bit confused is the gear box is somewhat loose. I was thinking something didn't get tightened at the factory (like everything else in this thing :)) but took it apart and can see the braces off the back that prevent it from rotating. Can anyone confirm that the gear box is a bit loose when properly attached?
  • Bolts ARE shear points so more costly damage isn't done to reduction gear, drive gears or screw shaft

    1/4 x 20 grade 5 bolt/nut work as replacements

    Stop overdriving legs. Make a red paint mark 1' prior to reaching FULL extension on driven leg. When you see RED/STOP