Forum Discussion

UTCoyote's avatar
Jul 10, 2013

AC outlets not working?

First time TT owner, a 2001 Wanderer Lite 240MS. Bought it a few weeks ago, have not used it yet, just been trying to get everything working first.

The fridge won't run on AC, but does on gas. Finally had some time to try and troubleshoot last night.

There's no juice coming from the outlet the fridge AC system plugs into. That explains that.

But, why no juice at the outlet?

On shore power, air conditioner works. Batteries get charged. AC outlet that microwave plugs into works, as does the AC outlet with GFI test/reset buttons on it in the bathroom. None of the four or five other AC outlets inside the TT have power. Nor does the outlet the fridge plugs into or any of the four outlets on the outside of the TT.

All breakers and fuses look fine, but none appear labeled for the non-working outlets either. There are separate breakers for the air conditioner, the microwave and one labled for GFI outlets. All of which are working. The only thing labeled for the fridge at the panel is a DC fuse, which is fine - pulling it causes the control panel to go dark.

Could there possibly be a master on/off switch somewhere I don't know about? Or another hidden fuse or breaker somewhere? The romex feeding the outlet that the fridge plugs into disapears into the insulation inside the walls, chasing the wires isn't really possible without getting really intrusive. Did verify that the wires are cold though, put the meter on them and nothing there at the fridge end.


- Coyote
  • You may also have one or two small breakers on your converter/inverter. Check them out too.
  • A lot of rigs have 2 GFCI outlets. The builders are very good at hiding them. The outside outlets should be on a GFCI. The list of potential causes I can think of are 1) Tripped GFCI, 2) Tripped breaker (turn them all the way off, then back on to reset), and 3) wiring problem. The wiring problems are unfortunately too common.
  • Coyote,

    Go to the panel and trip and reset each breaker. Sometimes they are not set and it is difficult to tell by the handle position. The reefer is probably on its own circuit.
